February 28, 2010

Welcome to New Zealand, we lost your luggage?

After an exhausting 6 hour flight to LA, I made my way to the international terminal to meet up with Shay. Getting to the terminal was a challenge in itself but when I arrived and found my traveling companion it was only a matter of minutes before the excitement returned and the adrenaline set in. Only one more plane ride before I was in a new country, making new friends, and having the time of my life! Little did I know the surprises that New Zealand had in store.

The second I could see land my heart started pounding. This was it. The Captain’s voice came over the loud speaker announcing our arrival to a boiling and bright Auckland, New Zealand. We gathered our things and shuffled off the plane and into Auckland International Airport. As we stepped off the plane and followed the crowd through the vast duty free shops, Shay and I were as giddy as two middle school girls at a Backstreet Boys’ concert. I turned the corner and practically slammed into the large customs officer in front of me. When he asked what passport we were traveling on, Shay and I simultaneously answered American and we were directed to the long line that ran zig zag across the large room. After about a 45 minute wait we were helped by a rather gorgeous Kiwi and then sent to baggage claim.

Shay located her huge pink and turquoise duffel bags in a minutes and I was left watching three or four nondescript bags circle the turnstile. Turns out my bags hadn’t made the trip. After waiting in another long line and filing a claim with baggage services I was sent away with an XL white t-shirt and a bag of hotel sized toiletries. Hoping that the day couldn’t get much worse Shay and I proceeded through security and went to find out ride. Again we were thrown a curve ball when Martin was no where to be found. Eventually we managed to locate a shuttle bus and arrange a ride to our flats.

So here I am only a little more than 48 hours into my trip and quite defeated. The silver lining in the story however is that I just met one of my suite mates! Her name is Jen and she is a Kiwi (native to the north island of New Zealand). Jen has been an angle helping me navigate the city in search of a few essentials in case my luggage doesn’t arrive before my flight to Queenstown in the morning.

Lets hope that tomorrow brings not only a new day but some pleasant weather, some good luck, and maybe my luggage?!

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